How to Start a Persuasive Essay – Detailed Guide 2021

a guide to persuasive essay

The first paragraph of an essay is one of the most crucial elements when it comes to writing a paper that is meant to wow your teacher or readers. Starting a persuasive essay with a weak introduction is bound to make your reader lose interest even if the rest of your work is perfect. Do…

Guide To Write A Literary Analysis Essay

literary essay analysis

After the equations of mathematics, essays are the second foremost thing that puts students in real trouble. Essays are not less than crossing puddles of the deep ocean- your one wrong move and there you are, all drowned! On the same side, you cannot pass out the college without crossing these puddles. What to do…

Everything You Need To Know About Technology Essay – Essay About Technology

technology related essays

What is technology for you? Is it a way of living a modern lifestyle or the medium of convenience? Psychologically, each person perceives things differently, for many of us, technology is not more than living a luxurious yet modern lifestyle, and for few, it’s just a matter of making life free from hurdles. 900+ Words…

7 Tried And Tested Tips Before Finding The Right Essay Help

You are perhaps someone who is searching for academic writing help. Maybe you have already stumbled upon various websites but found nothing relevant? If that’s the case, then let me be of assistant to you. As students, we are continuously striving to improve the piece we have crafted, overlooking the exaggerating aspect we are giving…

Useful Methods and Techniques for Writing College/University Essays

college essay writing - essaydone

The criteria for applying for college include an essay that is the main part of the application, which student submits to the college for being a part of their environment. Here students have the opportunity for showing the administration of the college about themself; none of the other parts of the application can provide this…

Tips for Writing the Perfect Homework

Although, very few of the students love to do home work, it does serve a purpose. Homework helps you to reinforce what you have learned during the day. It builds the study habits that are essential in college as well as it makes you prepare for the classes which improves your progress. Here are some…

Effective Ways of Writing an Essay – How to Write an Essay?

what is an essay?

Writing an essay often seems to be a dreadful task for the students. Whether, the essay is for a scholarship, a class, or maybe even a contest, many of the students find the task overwhelming. While an essay is a large project, there are many steps a student can take that will help break down…

10 Steps for Becoming a Better Essay Writer – Improve Your Essay Writing Skills

professional essay writer

Writing well is one of the most important as well as useful skills in today’s business world. Ironically, it is one of the most undervalued skills among various people and there are only a few professors available in order to teach effective writing skills. Useful tips and some general principals can help students and other…

Essays Writing Help: The 7 Different Genre of Essays You Didn’t Know About

Essay writer tips

There are many kinds of essays the students have to confront throughout their academic life from school to university. Each of the essays differs in the rules, formats, and methods of conveying the message. Following are the distinct categories of essays with its tips and format: Narrative Essay: A well-crafted narrative essay is basically the…